Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Remember that song from the school yard that went something like "...sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes the baby in ah' baby carriage!". Okay, so now you have the baby and the carriage, now you have the dress the baby, I mean you can't let the little one run around naked. Well have I got the solution for you. RaeGun, this Etsy shop specializes in clothes for the little cuties. Her handmade clothing is designed with great detail and attention to comfort. Did I mention that they were also seriously stylin'. Oh yeah, these threads have flair, sophistication and a whole lotta' kiddie chic. All this high end quality at a price normal folk can afford, who could ask for anything more? Take a look at the interview I did with ReaGuns Marissa Fischer and enjoy.

1. How long have you been doing what you do?

I've been sewing since I was little. Some days after school I'd go to gymnastics other days I'd go to sewing.

2. What made you decide to focus on making baby apparel?

I really got into baby clothing when my sister found out she was pregnant with a little girl. There's nothing more fun than sewing dresses for a munchin.

3. Are there any other places people can see your work? Website, blog, myspace etc.

I've got a blog that I really focus on. I do have a myspace, flickr and indiepublic page but they don't really get much love (I think they are all under raegun or raegunwear)

4. Is there a big difference between making clothes for boys and girls? which do you prefer?

Well since I don't want to do onesies or things that look like small adults (or teenagers) boys clothing is a lot harder to me. There is a fine line between cute and to be honest, sissy. Since I'm trying to make things that I would put on my own (future) kids it's a little tougher for the boys. Also I like a classic feel and the fabric selections are way more fun for girls. But I do have a new boy design in the works.

5. Did Santa leave you anything from your favorite Etsy shop? If so what was it?

Not for me but the Etsy gifts that I gave were a huge huge hit.

6. What names do you like best for a boy and girl?

Even though I'd love to have girls I don't have any girl names yet. If I have twin boys (it runs in my husband's family) I want to name them Andrew and Philip and call them Ender and Pip. My husband is totally against that and really likes ahem Mack Truck. I do hope we have girls haha.

Another interview over, I wish I could have asked six more question, but I wouldn't want to take up to much of Marissa's time. I can't wait to see what her new line of boys clothes looks like. Be sure to visit her store and check out her work, even if your young'uns are bigger now you might know someone who's wee ones are still wee. Don't forget to check out her blog either, its a lot of fun

In two days we'll have another fantastic interview ready so be on the look out for that, oh and remember BUY HANDMADE!


marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

Thanks so much for featuring me!

Hey Harriet said...

Wow! What a great blog. I love the interviews. I'm going to check out all the Etsy folk you've featured now :)

High Desert Diva said...

always enjoy the interviews

LoveMeKnot Creations said...

man! thanks for showcasing other etsyians! awesome blog!

Dharma Designs said...

Great article Oddist! I swear - you have the cutest avatar ever - and I absolutely LOVE your Monkey Shines pic. :-)