Friday, January 4, 2008


Today I have something a little different lined up for you. Up until now I have featured only Etsy sellers and their shops. So far I have posted 6 great interviews with 6 amazing talents , you've seen a sample of their work and got to hear in their words what makes them tick. Its been a blast so far but, thats only one side of Etsy. Today i want to feature the other side, the side that keeps it possible for the sellers to do just that...sell. I have a fantastic interview ready for you with an Etsy BUYER. I'm very excited to be trying this out, jbug was kind enough to take some time and answer my questions, and I tell you she did an amazing job, you dont have to take my word for it read on and see for yourself.

1. How did you find out about Etsy?

I was looking at Go Fug Yourself because it makes me laugh and noticed a little ad for a website called rare Bird Finds so I clicked on it. I'm easy that way. Well, Rare Bird Finds seemed to be a compilation of some funky stuff that you could buy and one of the profiles that caught my eye was an artist on etsy. I followed the link and *voila* I was in etsyetsyland. Magic.

2. How long have you been shopping on Etsy?

My first purchase was in April, so just under a year.

3. What was the first item you bought on Etsy?

Two pillowcase dresses for my daughter from mamamonkey.

4. This is a two part question. First, did you buy any gifts from
Etsy sellers to give as Xmas presents this year?

Yep. Took the Handmade Pledge in late Oct/early November so any xmas gift not purchased by then came from Etsy.

Second, Did you get
anything from Etsy this year as an Xmas gift?

I did not, unfortunately. I'd send links to my favorites but by the time they'd get to the website, it'd be sold. Busy time of year. And I didn't want to have people see my entire favorites list because some of the items on there were for them and that'd spoil a surprise. Ah well.
I *did* get a handbag from Etsy for my birthday, tho. And I buy myself presents all the time ;->

5. What do you like about Etsy most?

The fact that I'm helping to support people's passions. I'm not at all crafty or artistic and I have such an admiration for those who are. There is so much talent on Etsy that it's stupid to me to buy anything that can be found there at a mall or box store. I love that nothing there is mass-produced or "common". I'm always getting compliments on things I buy from Etsians and it makes me feel all cool :-P
6. Whats your favorite Etsy shop?

OMG that is so difficult to answer. I am in love with Sugar Lips stuff and am waiting for her to reopen so I can stock up. Vegan Honey makes the most scrumptious goodies. And I get so many compliments on my daughter's hat from Babyrocksmohawks; plus she's super nice to boot. I could go on and list a dozen more, from people I've bought from, to those I'd like to buy from (if money were no object), to people I admire from their forum postings. So I can't pick just one.

Wonderful, the first, in what I hope to be many, Etsy buyers interview completed. I'm hoping to do one of these special interview every couple of week or so. If you only buy on Etsy or if you know someone who's just a buyer please feel free to contact me, i would love to get a chance to talk to you.

In two days we'll have another fantastic interview ready so be on the look out for that, oh and remember BUY HANDMADE!


Ribbon Wand Maker said...

fun interview!

Jodi Ohl said...

Great interview-fun to hear how others have found etsy and what some of their favorite shops are. I'm always finding new things, too, but having referrals from others are nice :)