Don't have a whole lot to say today people. I know, unusual right. I would like to take a brief monent to say thanks to all the fantastic people on the Etsy forums. What a great group, I've gotten so much help there, been able to return the favor and help a few others and had some laughs along the way. If you haven't participated in the forums yet or if you have a question you think is "Too Stupid" go there and just give it a shot. I never thought i would have this much fun in an "Online" environment. Really don't be shy, drop by and say hello, pimp your shop or blog(Oh how i do luv pimping my blog) or just add your two sense to one of the great threads in the "etc" categories, thats were the fun is.
Speaking of fun in the forums I wanted to give a lil' shout out to one of my favorite posters, the queen of "Kook", the woman with the "Plan", and all around fun gal...
trothat. I have had a blast on the forums thanks to this one. Now don't worry, there will be a future Showcase featuring her shop, right now I just wanted to introduce her and say "Stay golden vintage, stay golden". Oh, an if you've never attended a thread party thrown by her i pity you, she really knows how to host a soirée. If you missed her 80's dance party or her slumber party be on the look out for the next one, i hear rumors there might be a New Years Eve party...YAY!!! Believe me you don't want to miss it.
So take a moment and have a look see around her shop she's got so many interesting things to check out... its just like, its just like a mini... mall.
We'll be back tomorrow with a brand new Showcase. Be there or be square.
1 comment:
I love Vintage's shop. Tons of cool stuff!
I think every purchase should come with a free buggy ride, though.
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